Fashion Project
A web page for a fashion retailer with a background video, multiple sections and Line Awesome icons.
NOTE: Please include your Name and Student ID in the title tag of this web page.
![Sample image](assets/img/toc-fashion.jpg)
Smoothies Project
A web page for a smoothie outlet with on-load text animations and images with transparent backgrounds.
NOTE: Please include your Name and Student ID in the title tag of this web page.
![Sample image](assets/img/project-smoothie.jpg)
Crypto Currency Project
A dark-themed web page for a fictitious crypto wallet.
NOTE: Please include your Name and Student ID in the title tag of this web page.
![Sample image](assets/img/thumbnail-crypto-wallet.jpg)
Multi-column Project
A gallery of multi-column, responsive layouts.
NOTE: Please include your Name and Student ID in the title tag of this web page.
![Sample image](assets/img/project-multi-col.png)
Hero Blocks Project
A gallery of hero block elements with split-screen layouts and duotone images.
NOTE: Please include your Name and Student ID in the title tag of this web page.
![Sample image](assets/img/project-hero.png)
Affiliate Store Project
A web page for an online book store with affiliate links to the Amazon website.
NOTE: Please include your Name and Student ID in the title tag of this web page.
![Sample image](assets/img/thumbnail-store.png)
Personal Website
Creating your personal portfolio website with four pages.
NOTE: Please include your Name and Student ID in the title tags of these web pages.
![Sample image](../assets/img/project-home.png)
Adding Google Analytics
You update your index.html Home Page in your top-level folder by adding the Google Analytics code to the page.
![Sample image](../exercises/assets/img/example-ga.png)
Privacy Messages
Creating a ‘pop-up’ cookie consent message to include in your web pages.
![Sample image](../assets/img/toc-media-queries.png)
Serverless Forms
Using forms with GitHub Pages by registering for a third-party online form processing service such as Formspree.
![Sample image](../assets/img/toc-bs-form.png)
Working with GSC
Setting up the Google Search Console to monitor and maintain your website’s presence in Google search results, and generatng and submitting a sitemap.xml file..
![Sample image](../assets/img/toc-gsc.png)
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