Introduction to TailwindCSS

Installing TailwindCSS and related items for using with ReactJS.

Learning Goals

At the end of this Tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Install TailwindCSS for ReactJS
  • Adding extensions for VS Code.
  • Installing the SVG Heroicons from Tailwind.

Scaffolding with Vite

Follow these steps to scaffold your app structure with Vite.

  1. In a terminal, navigate to where you want Vite to create a folder for your app. For example:
    C:\> react-stuff\apps
  2. Enter the following command that includes the name you want to call your new app. For example, app-react-tw:
    npm create vite@latest app-react-tw -- --template react
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to build and launch your new app. screenshot

Installing TailwindCSS

Follow these steps:

  1. In a terminal, run this command:
    npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
  2. Next, generate the configuration files:
    npx tailwindcss init -p
  3. Update your tailwind.config.cjs file as follows:
    module.exports = {
        content: [
           "./src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", // Adjust this line to include any file types that might contain Tailwind classes
           theme: {
             extend: {},
        plugins: [],
  4. In your app /src folder, replace all the content of index.css file with the following:
    /* layers */
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;

Start your app. In a browser, your app‛s default web page should now look as shown below.


To check that TailwindCSS is working, update your App.jsx file as follows:

function App() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <h1 className="text-3xl text-red-600 font-bold underline">
          Hello, TailwindCSS!

Your browser should now display a screen like that below.


Installing VS Code extensions

VS Code offers two extensions you will find helpful when working with TailwindCSS:

  • Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
  • Prettier

With Prettier installed for VS Code, now follow these steps:

  1. Install Prettier as a dev-dependency for your project:
    npm i --save-dev --save-exact prettier
  2. Install the Prettier plugin for Tailwind CSS as a dev-dependency for your project:
    npm install -D prettier prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
  3. In your root folder, create a new config file named .prettierrc and add the content below it.
      "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-tailwindcss"]

This plugin will sort TailwindCSS classes in a logical order.

Verify Prettier is installed correctly by add some spacing to app.jsx as shown below:


Now run this command in your terminal:

npx prettier --write app.jsx

Prettier should now reformat your code correctly.

To update VS Code so that it automatically reformats code after every save, follow these steps:

  1. Restart VS Code.
  2. In Settings, search for Prettier. In the Text Editor section, choose Pretter - Code formatter. screenshot
  3. Next, search for formatonsave and check the box as shown below. screenshot

You can now close the Settings tab.

Installing Heroicons

Heroicons is a set of 288 SVG icons created by the makers of Tailwind CSS. Install this icon set as follows:

In a terminal, run this command:

npm install @heroicons/react

Now you can import each icon individually as a React component. For example:

  import { BeakerIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/solid'

  function MyComponent() {
      return (
          <BeakerIcon className="h-6 w-6 text-blue-500" />