JavaScript Fundamentals
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1: Adding JavaScript to web pages
Efficiently adding JavaScript code to a web page, and working with the JavaScript Console in your web browser’s Developer Tools.
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2: Variables and literals
Working with string, numeric and boolean variables, assigning values with the const and let keywords, and using the typeof opertor to investigate a variable’s type.
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3: Working with strings
Working with string index positions and length, joining and slicing strings, querying strings, and replacing characters.
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4: Working with numbers
Testing for numbers with isNaN, using the increment and decrement operators, and performing arithmetic with correct operator precedence.
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5: Objects, properties, and methods
Exploring the Math object and its various methods for working with integers, floats, maximum and minimum vales, and generating random numbers.
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The DOM and Functions
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6: Introduction to the DOM
Exploring the Math object and its various methods for working with integers, floats, maximum and minimum vales, and generating random numbers.
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7: Function declarations
Exploring the Math object and its various methods for working with integers, floats, maximum and minimum vales, and generating random numbers.
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8: Anonymous Functions
Creating a function expression whose value is stored in a variable. And working with a type of an function expression called an anonymous function.
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9: Arrow Functions
Creating arrow functions, passing values to them, and writing short-hand single-statement arrow functions with implicit returns to the calling code.
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Event Handling in JavaScript
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Event Handlers
Invoking functions using event handlers in the HTML file, or with anonymous or arrow functions in the JavaScript code.
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Event Listeners
Invoking functions with event listeners, using external function declarations or internal anonymous or arrow functions.
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Working with the Event object
Invoking functions with event listeners, using external function declarations or internal anonymous or arrow functions.
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Event bubbling and capture
Understanding how events are propagated downwards (capture) and then back upwards (bubbling) through the DOM.
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Arrays in JavaScript
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14: Introduction to arrays
Exploring the Math object and its various methods for working with integers, floats, maximum and minimum vales, and generating random numbers.
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15: Loops and arrays
Creating a for loop with a counter variable, a starting value, a loop condition, and an increment or decrement operator.
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16: The method
Applying a function to every item in a copy of an array, without modifying the original array.
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Data Tables
Creating and styling HTML tables, adding and deleting table rows with JavaScript, and populating a table from an array of objects.
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Introduction to the Fetch API
Using the Promise and Response objects of the Fetch API and get plain-text and JSON formatted data from web servers.
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Installing Node.js
Installing Node.js and the Node Package Manager (npm) on your local machine.
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Introduction to Express
Building a basic Express app runnng on a Node.js server that can serve a response to a GET request from a web browser.
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