Fundamentals of JavaScript
![Folders and Files](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Efficiently adding JavaScript code to a web page, and working with the JavaScript Console in your browser’s DevTools.
![Web Hosting on GitHub](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Working with string, numeric and boolean variables, assigning values to variables, and using template literals.
![Working with Props](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Working with string index positions and length, querying strings, joining and slicing strings, and replacing characters.
![Working with HTML](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Assigning numbers to variables, performing arithmetic operations, and using the increment and decrement operators.
Functions, conditionals, and weirdness
![Working with CSS](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Creating a function declaration, passing arguments to its parameters, and returning values.
![Folders and Files](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Create conditional decision-making structures in JavaScript with if, else if and else code blocks.
![Folders and Files](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Understanding type coercion, working with undefined, null and NaN, and truthy and falsy values.
![Folders and Files](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Creating functions for everyday tasks like string manipulation and financial calculations.
The DOM and structured datasets
![Responsive Design](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Using the DOM to work with HTML elements, and adding event handlers to respond to user interactions.
![Responsive Design](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Understanding objects, creating and accessing object properties, and working with object methods.
![Responsive Design](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Creating and populating arrays, counting array elements, and destructuring elements to variables.
![Responsive Design](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Working with arrays of objects, and outputting structured data in the console and HTML.
Callbacks with Anonymous and Arrow Functions
![Responsive Design](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Creating a function whose output is stored in a variable, passing arguments and returning values, and invoking it immediately.
![Custom Properties and Text](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Creating a single-statement arrow function, passing values, working with implicit and explicit returns, and invoking it immediately.
![Custom Properties and Text](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Working with HTML forms using JavaScript, handling form submissions, validating user input, and accessing form data.
![Custom Properties and Text](assets/img/thumbnail-functions-values-scope.png)
Understanding JavaScript events, event listeners, event delegation, and event bubbling.
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